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Rumpless Standard (2017)

Origin: Germany

Classification: True Bantam

Egg colour: Cream or White


The Rumpless Booted originates from the Tharingen Forest region of Germany, in particular the small industrial town of Ruhla in the district.  It is a booted bantam, with a stocky, rumpless and rounded body and a lively and confident nature.  Developed more recently than the Booted Bantam, the breed has its own standard. They are known in the country of their origin as Ruhlaer Zwerg Kaulhuhner.  Their first recorded appearances in the UK are at shows in 1901 shown as Rumpless Booted, however, there are references in articles taking them back to 1893.


General Characteristics: Male

Type: Body broad, short, stout and rounded.  Back short and broad and only slightly sloping.  Breast full and rounded.  Keel well developed.  Wings short and lying neatly.  Shoulders broad and well rounded.


Head:  Medium sized; rounded.  Face red and smooth.  Comb small, erect with 3 to 5 points.  Wattles small and well rounded.  Earlobes red, but a small little reddish-white colouring is permitted.


Neck: Short, full, not inclined backwards at all.


Legs & feet:  Thighs powerful, well feathered with well-developed vulture hocks, consisting of long rigid feathers which almost touch the ground.  Fairly short shanks which are heavily furnished with long and rather stiff feathers on the outer sides.  Toes, four, straight and well spread.  The outer and middle toes being very heavily feathered.


Plumage:  Wide and full.  Saddle very full, saddle feathers forming a half ball rear.  Tail completely absent.


General characteristics: Female

The general characteristics are similar to the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences.  The hen’s carriage is almost horizontal, with well-developed rump feathering.  The comb and earlobes are smaller than in the male.


  • Male 625g to 700g (22oz to 25oz)

  • Female 525g to 600g (18.5oz to 21oz)


Scale of points
  • Type 25

  • Head 15

  • Colour (plumage) 15

  • Colour (legs & beak) 5

  • Leg and foot feathering 15

  • Size 10

  • Condition 15

       TOTAL 100


Disqualification:  Any sign of a tail, any deformity.


Serious defects:  Other than single comb, gypsy face.  Any sign of boule or beard.  Other than four toes.  Significantly overweight.  Back too long.  Legs too short or too long.  Missing toe nails. Wrong leg/foot colour.


To be avoided if possible:  White feathers in non-white self-coloured birds, purple barring in Black birds, lacing or mottling in Lavender birds, blue/slate legs in White birds, insufficient or poor white tipping in millefleur or mottled varieties, comb too large, wattles too large, vulture hocks too long.

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